Diogelu - Rhifau Defnyddiol /
Safeguarding - Useful Numbers
Tim Atgyfeirio Canolog / Central Referral Team
01554 742322
Ty Elwyn, Llanelli. E-bost/ E-mail – CRTChildren@carmarthenshire.gov.uk
Tu allan i Oriau Swyddfa / Out of Office Hours : 01558 824 283
Becky Thomas: 01554742369 / 07976466399
Swyddog Diogelu’r Sir
County’s Safeguarding Officer
Rhifau defnyddiol arall / Other useful contacts:
Carmarthenshire Local Safeguarding Children’s Board 01267 246544
NSPCC Helpline – 0800 800 500
Dyfed Powys Police – 0845 330 2000
Threshold - A safe place for anyone affected by domestic abuse - 01554 752422 -
Mae gan Ysgol Gymraeg Dewi Sant ddyletswydd fugeiliol tuag at ei disgyblion, mae’r ysgol yn chwarae rhan bwysig i atal camdriniaeth ac esgeulustod drwy greu a chynnal awyrgylch ddiogel i blant a phobl ifanc.
Mae pob aelod o staff yr ysgol hon yn gyfrifol am ddiogelu ac amddiffyn y plant sy’n ei mynychu. Os oes pryderon ynglŷn ag esgeulustra neu gam-drin corfforol, emosiynol neu rywiol, yna mae’n ddyletswydd ar y staff, yn unol â Threfn Diogelu Plant y Sir, i sôn am y mater wrth Gyd-gysylltydd Diogelu Plant yr ysgol.
Gall Cyd-gysylltydd yr ysgol ymgynghori â chyd-weithwyr proffesiynol yn ogystal ag asiantaethau perthnasol megis y Gwasanaethau Iechyd a Chymdeithasol. Yn dilyn y trafodaethau hyn, efallai y bydd rhaid i gyd-gysylltydd yr ysgol gyfeirio’r plentyn yn swyddogol i’r Adran Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol, yn unol â chanllawiau a phrotocol y Sir. Yr Adran Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol sy’n penderfynu a oes angen gweithredu neu beidio.
Oblegid natur y cyhuddiadau, ni fydd bob amser yn briodol i drafod materion gyda’r rhieni cyn cyfeirio'r plentyn. Y Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a’r Heddlu sy’n gyfrifol am ymchwilio i gyhuddiadau.
Mae’r ysgol yn dilyn Protocol Sir Gaerfyrddin a phe bai cyhuddiad yn erbyn aelod o staff fe fyddai’r ysgol yn dilyn camau gweithredu’r Sir.
Ysgol Gymraeg Dewi Sant has a pastoral duty to its pupils and the school plays an important role in preventing abuse and neglect by creating and maintaining a safe environment for children and young people.
Each member of staff at this school is responsible for safeguarding and protecting the children who attend. If there are concerns about neglect or physical, emotional or sexual abuse then it is incumbent on staff, in accordance with the County's Safeguarding Procedures, to report the matter to the school's Child Protection Co-ordinator.
The school Co-ordinator may consult fellow professionals as well as relevant agencies such as Health and Social Services. Following these discussions, the school co-ordinator may need to officially refer the child to the Social Services Department, in accordance with the County's guidelines and protocol. It is for the Social Services Department to decide whether or not to take action.
Due to the nature of the allegations, it will not always be appropriate to discuss issues with parents before referring the child. Social Services and the Police are responsible for investigating allegations.
The school follows the Carmarthenshire Protocol and if there was an allegation against a member of staff the school would follow the County's procedures.
Rydym yn rhan o Operation Encompass
Mae Operation Encompass yn sicrhau bod galwad ffôn syml neu hysbysiad i Arweinydd / Swyddog Diogelu Dynodedig hyfforddedig ysgol (a elwir yn Oedolyn allweddol) cyn dechrau'r diwrnod ysgol nesaf ar ôl i ddigwyddiad o heddlu fynychu cam-drin domestig lle mae plant yn gysylltiedig â y naill neu'r llall o'r partïon oedolion dan sylw.
Mae Operation Encompass yn bartneriaeth diogelu gwybodaeth gynnar gan yr heddlu ac addysg sy'n galluogi ysgolion i gynnig cefnogaeth ar unwaith i blant sy'n profi cam-drin domestig.
We are part of Operation Encompass
Operation Encompass ensures that there is a simple telephone call or notification to a school’s trained Designated Safeguarding Lead /Officer (known as key Adult) prior to the start of the next school day after an incident of police attended domestic abuse where there are children related to either of the adult parties involved.
Operation Encompass is a police and education early information safeguarding partnership enabling schools to offer immediate support to children experiencing domestic abuse.